BACKGROUND: I am suffering from severe common cold so whenever I start to study, my head starts paining. So in a reflective mood I start writing anything that comes to mind.
As days breeze past me like the (common!!)cold chilly winds of Saharanpur ..I sit back and think about LIFE!!!!!!
now what does a layman understand by LIFE!!! Well you can say that it is the period or span of time that the specie homo-sapien spends on the earth. But the question arises is only "existing" life. Millions of people in this world today get up go to work , earn money,feed themselves then sleep to again rise the next morning. Is This automatic,mechanized and senseless robotic process what is called life????? Many would agree but some like myself would differ!!!!
I believe that although these processes are a part of life but this is not exactly life!!!! Life according to me is the feelings or the interactions we have and share with other people during the course of these processes.Can you just imagine life without our friends,relatives and even to some extent our enemies(after-all enemies add spice to life isn't it)???? I know in today's cynical and practical world these views might seem stupid but then again what is success without someone to share them with or someone to boast about,isn't it??? Another problem is everyone wants to feel happy and no one wants to feel sad. But I believe both are equally important for life. Please don't consider me a sado-masochistic crazy person but just for a moment imagine a life in which you are always happy. Is it possible ?? Like there can be no Ideal Phenomena similarly if some people are happy its definite that some will be unhappy. Also please think.... will you be truly be happy then? Its relative right? How can you know and feel happiness when you have felt no sadness to compare it to? This paradox is what I say is life , a mix of both happiness and sadness in various proportions.
According to me it's the feelings that matter. Feelings of friendship, affection, brotherhood and love; The happiness and celebrations,The pain and sadness beared.. these are what makes life worth living!!!!!! Its important to always try to succeed but always be careful that in that quest you don't leave those who are important in your life behind. Because who knows you might have achieved everything but in the process left behind all those for whom you started to run after success in the first place!!
Many so called practical-persons might not agree to me but then all I wanted to do was express my viewpoint. At least I have feelings and I am not afraid to show them.
With this I ask leave.... and as always.....